Silicon carbide "ready for" photovoltaic market

In the context of the accelerated development of the energy electronics industry, the global PV installed capacity continues to rise, bringing considerable market growth to silicon carbide. Yole research report estimates that the silicon carbide market for photovoltaic power generation and energy storage will reach $314 million in 2025, with a compound growth rate of 17% from 2019 to 2025. At the same time, the continuous improvement of the power density of photovoltaic modules has also put forward higher requirements for the performance of silicon carbide devices. In order to seize the market opportunities brought by photovoltaic, silicon carbide manufacturers also need to make efforts in multiple dimensions such as product comprehensive performance, preparation yield, and supply chain collaboration.

With the gradual increase in the size and power density of solar panels, traditional silicon-based devices can no longer meet the needs of photovoltaic inverter MPPT(maximum power point tracking) circuit in terms of efficiency and heating, and the application of silicon carbide power devices with better performance in all aspects has become an inevitable trend. "Compared with silicon devices, silicon carbide power devices can bring higher conversion efficiency and lower energy loss to photovoltaic inverters, effectively reducing the size of the system, increasing power density, extending the service life of the device, and reducing production costs." Hainan West Asia Import Group believes that in the future market, we need to do "based on a deep understanding of customer terminal applications, mine the terminal application blue ocean market in advance, accurately define new products, and take the lead in developing characteristic power devices and modules in order to ensure the dividends of the early blue Ocean market." For more information about silicon carbide, please pay attention to Hainan West Asia Import and Export Group. 

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